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Colorado trial attorneys


Some Colorado law enforcement working to keep people out of jail

On behalf of Dolan + Zimmerman LLP February 16, 2018
Thanks to new partnerships with social workers and mental health professionals, a number of Colorado law enforcement agencies have been changing their strategy to focus more on treatment. In some cases, mental health professionals are riding along with officers. In others, case managers stationed in higher crime areas help officers divert low-level offenders away...
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Report: Feds giving secret, possibly illegal tips to local police

On behalf of Dolan + Zimmerman LLP February 2, 2018
The international nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch released a blockbuster report this week. It alleges that, in many cases federal law enforcement is tipping off state and local forces about information it may have learned by using constitutionally questionable practices. Such tips might not be admissible as evidence if brought before a court. Therefore,...
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