Criminal Defense
Drug overdoses and drug charges
Colorado has seen changes to its drug laws in recent years, perhaps most notably in the area of recreational use of marijuana. Other recent changes have made the opportunity to seal convictions for drug-related offenses available to a wider range of people. Many courts and prosecutor’s offices throughout the state have developed more sophisticated...
Continue Reading Colorado’s Law Against Texting and Driving
In the last few years, texting and driving has become a focus of many transportation and police departments across the country. As studies continue to show distracted driving as a major cause of car accidents, many states have strengthened their laws prohibiting it. Colorado is no exception. The scenario Imagine you are driving home...
Continue Reading When can police search an apartment?
On a day-to-day basis, most of us do not give the Constitution that much thought. We know it is there to guarantee and protect our rights, but outside of this, many of us simply go about our days without really thinking about it — that is — until we learn the police were at...
Continue Reading Understanding the risks of fake IDs
Parents never stop worrying about their children. Regardless of how grown our kids are, it is natural and normal to worry about what they are doing — especially when they are off at college. And while we like to think that they are always making the right choice, the truth is that college is...
Continue Reading If you are stopped by police, know your rights
If you’ve ever been stopped by a police officer, you know how intimidating it can be. Even before the officer says anything to you, panic can quickly set in. At that moment, you may be trying to remember what you can and can’t – or should and should not – say and do. When...
Continue Reading When College Partying Leads to Criminal Charges
For many CU students, drinking can seem like a rite of passage. Being under 21 does not keep many students from indulging at parties or while tailgating before a Buffaloes game. However, the risk of underage drinking is getting caught. Minor in possession (MIP) charges are common. Chances are you know someone who has...
Continue Reading When do police have to read you your rights?
If you’ve ever watched a police drama, you probably know what your Miranda rights are. Starting with your right to remain silent, police officers are often heard reciting these rights to an individual as they are being arrested.Real life, however, is a far cry from a crime show, so where do they differ? Do...
Continue Reading How a drug charge can impact your student loans
Many college students experiment with drugs. While using certain drugs recreationally may not seem like a big deal, getting caught can have far-reaching consequences. While certain drug crime convictions carry penalties like fines and jail time, they can also affect your federal student loans. What happens if you are convicted of a drug crime...
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